About this Blog

So I have had this blog for years and never quite decided on what direction I would like to take it. I laid out a few options:

1. Make this blog a private one where I sit back and stew about my miserable lot in life
2. Make this blog a public forum for people to come and collectively stew about their miserable lot in life
3. Make this blog a public one with a more positive spin... perhaps how to stew more pro-actively, how to survive this miserable lot without stewing, or how to manage or escape the miserable lot

I went with 3 after trying 1 and 2 for a while :)

I decided that the central focus of this blog would be to help identify the path to self-discovery. How one can arrive at the "best version of themselves". I don't mean that in the Timothy Keller kind of way, although issues on religion and spirituality will most likely be touched on in this blog. I also do not want to just focus on the motivational speaking thing either ..."push yourself, be more proactive, smile.., etc". I want this blog to be more focused than that. I intend to try to document my journey.. going through some of the many self-help books that I loathe and actually following through on the tips and sharing what the main challenges were, what I did right and how much think I have changed.

One of the major factors that contributed to my shift towards a public blog was not necessarily my desire for fame and fortune (although it would be nice to have a viral blog someday) but more for a push towards high standards and accountability. Since I know that whatever I write down here is likely to be seen by someone else, I would spend a bit more time working on it and thinking through my argument. I also felt like there are a lot of people in my shoes out there who can identify with my journey and can be helped somehow by my story.

Who is this blog intending to help? 

Well, people like me... and by that I mean people who would have "sitting back and stewing about their miserable lot in life" as an option on what direction to go on a blog. Yup, you guessed it: I am a depressed grad school survivor. :)

Seriously, I would like to help those suffering from depression or anything else that makes some people tend to see the world in a somewhat darker shade. While this may sometimes lead to great art and creativity (...it is at this point that I mention famous melancholy painters and musicians whose work was greatly affected by their grim perspective on life...), in most cases this tendency could be quite prohibitive. This we would delve more into over time.

Hopefully as I share, someone out there might find this useful or have valuable feedback to help me and others in our journey.

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